Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 2, 2019

Cách nói cảm ơn bằng tiếng Anh

Điều quan trọng là thể hiện sự cảm ơn khi ai đó làm điều gì đó cho bạn hoặc cho bạn điều gì đó. Nhưng những gì chúng ta nói phụ thuộc vào người và tình huống. Đây là cách nói cảm ơn trong các tình huống khác nhau.

Cách nói cảm ơn bằng tiếng Anh

Những cách phổ biến để nói lời cảm ơn

Thanks / Thank you
A: "Can I get you another coffee?"
B: "Thanks" / "Thank you!"
A: "You look great in that dress!"
B: "Thanks!"
Thanks / Thank you you very much!
A: "I booked your table for dinner."
B: "Thank you very much!"
Thanks a lot!
A: "I saved you the last chocolate!"
B: "Thanks a lot!"
Hãy cẩn thận với ngữ điệu của "thanks a lot!". Nếu bạn nói với giọng trầm hơn, "thanks a lot" có thể nghe có vẻ như bạn không vui chút nào và "thanks" nghe có vẻ mỉa mai. Đây là một ví dụ.
A: "Sorry, but we didn't save you any chocolate."
B: "Oh, thanks a lot."
Ta (British English, pronounced /tar/)
A: "Here's your tea."
B: "Ta!"
Ta very much
A: "I ordered you a cheese sandwich. Hope that's OK."
B: "Ta very much!"
Thanks ever so much (British English)
A: "I got you the paper you wanted."
B: "Thanks ever so much!"
Lưu ý: "thanks ever so much" được coi là tiếng Anh không chuẩn, nhưng bạn sẽ nghe thấy nó rất nhiều ở Vương quốc Anh.
Cheers! (British English, used both in speaking and in emails)
"Cheers!" (when someone holds the door open for you, for example)

Những cách chính thức hơn để nói lời cảm ơn

Thank you so much
"Thank you so much for coming to the meeting tonight." (spoken to a group of people)
"That's really kind of you. Thank you so much!"
Much obliged (Often used when we're expecting a particular "service" as part of normal behaviour)
(Shop assistant) "I've put your refund back on to your credit card."
(You) "Much obliged!"
I appreciate it
"Thank you for your help. I greatly appreciate it."
Thank you for your kind words
A: "You're one of the best teachers I've had!"
B: "Thank you for your kind words."

Làm thế nào để nói lời cảm ơn đến một người bạn

Great / Brilliant / Wonderful. Thanks!
A: "I've got us tickets for the concert."
B: "Brilliant, thanks!"
Thanks - you're a star!
A: "I'll look after your kids for you if you want to go shopping."
B: "Thanks - you're a star!"
A: "I'll get this round in." (i.e. at a pub)
B: "Cheers!"
Nice one! (typically British English)
A: "I booked the restaurant for this evening."
B: "Nice one!"

Làm thế nào để nói lời cảm ơn đến một đồng nghiệp tại nơi làm việc

I owe you one! (Informal, meaning "I owe you a favour now".)
A: "Dave asked me where you were, but I said you were with a client."
B: "Thanks! I owe you one!"
I appreciate it
"Thanks for covering for me yesterday. I appreciate it!"
I'm very thankful to you for...
"I'm very thankful to you for helping me with the presentation. It made a huge difference."

Làm thế nào để nói lời cảm ơn trong một thẻ

Thank you so much for ...
"Thank you so much for helping us when Sue was ill."
You can continue with:
"I was really touched by ..."
... your kindness
... your thoughtfulness
... your help
... your support
I really appreciate it
"Thank you so much for looking after my grandmother in hospital. I really appreciate it."

Cách nói cảm ơn vì tiền

It's really kind / generous of you
A: "I can lend you the money you need, if you like."
B: "Thank you! That's really generous of you."

Làm thế nào để nói lời cảm ơn cho một món quà

Khi bạn viết thư cảm ơn hoặc thiệp cho món quà bạn đã nhận được, bạn nên đặt mục tiêu viết một vài câu. Ví dụ:
Thank you very much for the present / gift you sent me
Then give some more details, such as:
It's absolutely beautiful.
It's something I've wanted for a long time.
It's just the right colour / size, etc.
You can continue with:
It was very generous of you.
I'll think of you every time I use it.
When you're face to face you can say:
Oh you shouldn't have!
A: "I got you this for your birthday."
B: "Oh you shouldn't have!"

Làm thế nào để nói cảm ơn bạn đã giúp đỡ/hỗ trợ

Thank you so much for all your help
"Thank you so much for all your help when we were restructuring the department. It made things a lot easier."
I don't know what I would have done without you
"You've really helped me out over the last few weeks. I don't know what I would have done without you."
You don't know how much it meant to me
"Thank you so much for organising the flowers for the funeral. You don't know how much it meant to me."
Thank you for all / everything you have done
"Thank you for everything you've done in the last month. You've made my life so much easier!"
Thanks for everything
"We had such a lovely holiday with you. Thanks for everything!"
Thanks for being there (for me)
I just wanted to say thank you for all your help recently. Thanks for being there for me!"
I'm really / very grateful
"I'm really grateful to you for all your help this last week."

Làm thế nào để nói lời cảm ơn đến một nhóm

Thank you everybody
"Thank you everybody for making the launch such a success!"
Thanks everyone
"Thanks everyone for coming."
I'd like to thank you all
"I'd like to thank you all for your help in getting the office ready for the party."

Làm thế nào để nói lời cảm ơn đến khách hàng

Thank you for taking the time...
"Thank you for taking the time to see me today."
Thank you for your (continued) support
"Thank you for your support during our recent merger."
I greatly appreciate
"I greatly appreciate all your feedback."
We are very grateful to you
"We are very grateful to you for your continued support."

Trong email

Here are some ways to say thank you:
Many thanks for
"Many thanks for getting back to me."
Just wanted to say thanks
"Just wanted to say thanks for the lovely meal last night."
I can't thank you enough for...
"I can't thank you enough for introducing me to..."
Nguồn: Sưu tầm

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